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Surgical Procedures

Providing high-quality surgical care in a stress-free and relaxing environment.

Our facilities are home to advanced surgical equipment which enable our veterinary staff to perform a wide range of surgical procedures. From routine soft-tissue surgeries to complex orthopedic stabilization, our veterinary team creates customized anesthetic protocols for each patient based on a number of factors to ensure that every surgery goes smoothly from start to finish. 

Our skilled staff conducts extensive preoperative diagnostics and monitors vital signs closely during the entirety of each procedure for every patient, tailoring every step of the surgical plan to your pet's specific needs.

Below are some of our surgical procedures we offer:

$City Veterinary Surgeries

Spay & Neuter Procedures

Help your pet live a long, healthy life.

Advanced Soft Tissue Surgery

Surgery on eyes, ears, throat and lungs.

Call us at (610) 395-0328 today for more information on our surgical care services.